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It’s time for another round of Leah’s popular game show, Worst Wife Ever, featuring improv comedians Rachael Drummond, Taylor Loeb, Julie Mann, and Sigi Ravet competing for our trophy as the worst wife. This episode deals with every woman’s complaint about her partner: YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!

Here’s a taste of what went down, but be sure to watch the whole episode for all the hilarity, practical tips, and to see who won the trophy! Learning and laughter are the best combination!

Scenario #3

Your daughter wants to go to her friend’s house, but she hasn’t done her homework yet, so you say no. She then goes to ask your husband, and he says she can go, even though you’ve told him many times that you need to have a united front. What would the worst wife do?

Julie: I’d make HIM do her homework!

Rachael: I’d give him all her toys and send HIM to play with her friend.

Taylor: I’d sign him up to go on all the school field trips all year long.

Sigi: I’ll make him tutor our daughter and all her friends and send in a note to school letting them know.

Leah: What would the best wife do?

In the moment, you ALWAYS back up your husband, even if you feel it’s 100% wrong. Later on, in private, you can talk about it in a respectful way about handling it differently next time.

Scenario #4

You and your husband both work full-time. You ordered school supplies online, but there are still a few things the kids need before schools starts tomorrow. Your husband said he would get them after work, but he comes home without them. You get the kids ready for bed, and then remind him. He says he is way too tired to go back out. You are stuck going to the store after your long, exhausting day of dealing with kids AND work. What would the worst wife do?

Rachael: Buy WAY more supplies than we need and fill his side of bed with the extra supplies.

Julie: Have my friends meet me at Target and shop on HIS credit card till the store closes and never call to check in.

Sigi: When I get home from Staples, I’ll hide ALL his tools and when he asks where they are, I’ll say I guess you have to go out to Home Depot and rebuy everything!

Taylor: Head straight from Staples to Bloomingdale’s and buy a new dress and shoes, and sign up for a facial, because…why not?

Leah: What would the best wife do?

Your husband said he would go, and then he broke his word. You have to ask yourself if you yourself are good about keeping your word. If not, is it something you’re working on? You can’t ask him to work on this unless you do too. Explain that you’re working on it because you know how important it is for building trust and closeness. If you’re already good about keeping your word, explain how hurtful it feels when he breaks his word, and you know how tired he must be because you’re so tired to. Explain you’re afraid if you go when he said he would, you’ll resent him and that’s the last thing you want to have happen. Can you get a neighbor to watch the kids and go together like a date night? Or is this something that hardly ever happens so you can just let it go?

Watch to see who wins worst wife, and get the tools you need to be the best wife!

Try This at Home:

Find ways throughout your day to back up your husband and show him you’re on his side!

Press the arrow on the bottom right to scroll up to watch the show!

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