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My husband either treats me as if I’m not there or he is completely thoughtless and mean! I need apologies and I need them now!

Join Leah as she delves deep into a husband’s thoughtlessness and helps us shift into an understanding that perhaps he is just clueless and it ain’t his fault he was born male!


Leah’s Points To Ponder:

  • Tune in at 03:24 to take a quiz and see how much steam comes out of your ears!
  • Is our husband thoughtless or just clueless and forgetful? If he’s thoughtless that is enormously painful and translates as lack of love. If it is that he is clueless and forgetful, he is not completely off the hook, but at least we won’t take it personally.
  • We need to bolster ourselves so that his actions, or inactions, don’t cause us pain.
  • When we want our husbands to be more attentive, we need to ease him into the change. Change is difficult, so here are some bulletproof steps to help make that change.
    1. Realizing there is a difference between thoughtfulness and carelessness.
    2. Bringing laughter and light-heartedness in to replace the anger and tension. Listen in at 21:54 to hear how to switch from raging mad to light and fun.
    3. Understanding that men and women are different. They may be tactless and blunt- that doesn’t mean they are out to hurt us. Rather than being hurt by those differences find ways to embrace them with humor.
  • Some mistakes in our thinking are that: my husband is intentionally thoughtless, he should be more like me and be more sensitive, or until he changes this I can’t be close to him.
  • Some mistakes in our actions are: taking offence by his cluelessness, getting upset when he doesn’t do things how I would or bearing a grudge.
  • The Clueless Shield will help us to mentally replace thoughtless with clueless. When our husband is clueless (or forgetful) remember C.L.U.E.
    • C= Communicating your need to express yourself when you feel he is being thoughtless.
    • L= Learning what works based on past.
    • U= Understanding that a woman’s sensitivity is far higher than a man’s.
    • E= Evaluating our own mistaken thoughts.


Try This At Home:

One time this week when you recognize that your husband is doing something clueless or forgetful, use one of the C.L.U.E strategies.

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