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Is it just me, or is everyone else constantly annoyed by people?

Join Leah as she discusses what to do when everyone is just so utterly annoying!


Leah’s Points To Ponder:

  • It could really be that times have changed, and people are generally more aggressive, more impatient and more annoying.
  • More likely, we are getting more annoyed than we used to get. Perhaps we’re a generation of Amazon Prime who have forgotten how to have patience.
  • Tools to help us climb the hurdle of annoyance:
  • Ask yourself what is G-d trying to teach me now?
  • Put it into perspective by comparing to other people’s challenges.
  • Try to find the silver lining in situations.
  • Work on acceptance in the moment.
  • Tune in at 14:29 to hear how it’s possible to find the good side in a shockingly annoying situation.


Try This At Home:

Ask yourself once this week: “What can I learn from this annoying situation?”

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