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Too much to do, too little time, too much stress!

Join Leah to analyze how making shalom your top priority can lower your stress and discover how there is always something you can do to improve your life.


Leah’s Points To Ponder:

  • “You will always win if you give in!” (Rebbetzin Kolodetsky) Wherever you can give in to people, it will help train us to give in to our husbands.
  • Know that even if things didn’t go how we wanted them to go, they went how they were supposed to go.
  • As a whole, women are relationship beings and men are doers. They may not put us first, which in a world of equality would mean we shouldn’t put them first. According to the mesorah, (Jewish tradition) we still should.
  • When we make him our top priority and he feels this emanating from us, he feels a deep love for us, which maximizes the joy in our life. Not only is he happier but we are happier.
  • We need to analyse if the root of our stress is our circumstance or our attitude towards our circumstance.
  • There is always something we can do, either a practical attitude shift or from a logistical perspective.
    • Attitude shifts: 1) Remove expectations. 2) Don’t compare.
    • Logistics: 1) Communicate the need for help. 2) Guilt free self care.
  • If we know that the most important thing to G-d is shalom(peace) then our stress level can go down. Once we focus on peace in the home, the logistical stresses fall by the wayside.


Try This At Home:

Drop one item from your task list with the knowledge that it will bring more shalom into your home.

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