Why doesn’t my husband’s behaviour ever line up with my expectations?!
Join Leah for a Get Real with Leah show as she guides Leeby to reflect on her expectations, and check whether your expectations are completely misaligned.
Leah’s Points To Ponder:
- If you make shalom bayis(marital peace) your number one priority, every other duty will fall into place.
- Issues we have with our husband might actually be our own issue of needing to raise our priorities and lower our expectations. Then tension will also be lowered.
- We need to recognize that thinking: “if he cared about me, he would…” is a tool of the yester hara(evil inclination.) Indulging in becoming a victim of our circumstance stunts any positive change.
- It’s hard to have harmony in a home where there are too many chores. Money spent on logistics for the sake of shalom bayisis covered by G-d.
- Three tips to resolving unrealistic expectations are:
- Use as a barometer: will this increase or decrease my shalom bayis.
- Figure out logistics to make household tasks easier.
- Lower expectations and self-pity.
Try This At Home:
Sit down with your weekly task list and work on a plan to ease your burden.