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Self-care? Of course, I care about myself, but I don’t have time to actually take care of myself!

Join Leah as she deep dives into this overused term of self-care. We know, we know, you’ve heard it all before and you don’t have time for it anyway. Ladies, take time out for yourself and learn some small changes which will make a big impact on your wellbeing!


Leah’s Points To Ponder:

Our culture is working against us as there is a drive to accomplish and we feel guilty to take care of ourselves. These tips will help!

  • 1. Figuring out what blocks us.

We are rarely mindful and present in what we are doing. We need to give ourselves permission to stop accomplishing, be present in the moment and uproot feelings of unworthiness. There is a misconception that it’s a sign of greatness to not need self-care so we’re not motivated to do it. We don’t see how it affects our wellbeing, levels of stress and energy levels.

  • 2. We need to start small.

We may need to not speak to certain people we know aren’t good for our stress level or emotional wellbeing. We need to stop to beating ourselves up about mistakes we make.

Exercising more or being more careful with certain foods may seem insurmountable so start small with a mini break. Tune in at 22:10 to hear what a mini break is and how it can have a maxi effect! This will start the mindset shift of “I am worth it!”

  • Limiting to-do lists to five things.

Most days we don’t accomplish everything anyway and we just feel guilty and badly about it. Anything more than that is a bonus and feels good!

  • Prioritizing better.

On a spiritual level, putting our husbands’ tasks first will help us deal with the rest.

  • Having a bulletproof self-care plan.

There will always be something else that needs doing so this needs to be non-negotiable, it may help to do this with a friend and check in on each other. Listen in at 39:40 to hear the difference between guilty stolen time and guilt free self-care.

  • Knowing what works for us.

This will take trial and error and may take time to figure out. Timecode 42:04 will give you a list of wonderful ideas to choose from to get to that feeling of true escape, serenity and rejuvenation!

  • Strengthening our self-care muscle.

This might mean scheduling a mini-break or self-talk about the importance of it.

  • Getting out of accomplishment mode.

We get such a thrill from accomplishing but we need to reflect on how harmful this is.

  • Getting family members to buy into it.

It’s best to schedule it for when no one is around but we should also explain to them the importance of taking care of ourselves in order to take care of them better.


Try This At Home:

Make a list of self-care activities and get it down to ten things, then take one mini-break this week.


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