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Please help us to heal broken hearts and create homes of harmony!

Donate to Forever Together Charity

100% of your donation goes to marriage education – all administrative costs are sponsored by a generous donor!

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Here’s what we hear from couples:

  • “Get a divorce is my only option.”
  • “I need help in my marriage.”
  • “I want a divorce.”
  • “I’m having issues in my marriage.”
  • “I’m thinking about divorce.”

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We train marriage teachers all over the world that meet with clients one-on-one as well as teach group classes. They teach about communication, overcoming resentments, conflict resolution, forgiveness, and alignment on goals. They are making a huge wave of peace in the world!

Current teachers: New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, Canada, London, France, Denmark, South Africa, Israel, & Brazil.

100% of your donation goes to marriage education – all administrative costs are sponsored by a generous donor!

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Tuition is a tax-deductible donation and Maaser to The Marriage Campaign Charity.  Payment installment plans are available.  (A limited number of scholarships are available based on need.)  Leah is a full-time charity volunteer, and zero money from any program goes to Leah.
