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Don’t you just wish someone would wave a magic wand and you would have instant closeness with your husband?!

Ok, we can’t quite do that, but Join Leah and learn the five secrets which can bring you closer as you connect deeply to your husband. (At least this way you can take the credit!)


Leah’s Points To Ponder:

  • How much brocha(blessing) we have is dependent on how much our husband can give to us which is dependent on how we receive.
  • Tune in at 9:29 to hear a humorous story about a cat which will help you understand the giver/receiver dynamic and become a purrrfect receiver.
  • How do we become the best receivers we can possibly be?
    1. Sweet and simple- say: “thank you!” If we say it a lot already, say it more!
    2. Listen deeply to our husbands by caring and focusing completely on them.
    3. Anticipate his feelings and communicate in a way he can hear it.
    4. Put shalom(peace) first- go the extra mile. It’s better to have shalom than to be right.
    5. Show approval and praise our husbands without limit.


Try This At Home:

Try one of these methods.

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