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Weighing in on the very heavy and emotionally laden topic of Spiritually Challenged Husbands is guest expert Debbie Fox. Watch as she shares valuable advice on how a woman can approach her marriage when her husband’s level of observance falters.

A marriage where the husband and wife are on different spiritual levels is painful. There are many new realities (not just religious) which come into our lives, which we don’t know how to handle.

Discover how to ask yourself the right questions: How did you connect with your husband before you got married? Did you connect only through religion? What can you do to reconnect to keep the relationship alive and to keep the emotional connection intact? Find out where the tension is coming from. Was it from his change of values or from your reaction to his change of values? Is your husband becoming rebellious? Is he tired of structure and wants to act out? Has he lost his faith?

Many of us need to create a new reality. Learn how to look at your husband respectfully and let him know that you love who he is in other areas of your life, such as in his role as a devoted father, or provider. You want him to respect your values and you need to respect his values!

Listen as Debbie expounds on the incredible benefits of Brainstorming and Compromises as a means to listen, accept, and appreciate each other’s opinions. Learn how to inspire your husband without being the police and without trying to control him.

Homework for the week: Find one positive attribute in your husband to focus on and communicate it to him.

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