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Is life running away from you? Do you wish you could slow it down and really live each moment? In this episode, Leah talks with journalist Sivan Rahav-Meir, named one of the 50 most influential people of 2021 by The Jerusalem Post, to help us create daily habits to maximize our time and potential.

The 5 Daily Habits for the Best You

Habit #1: Stay Inspired

You always need to light the fire of your inspiration. Set aside a minimum of 30 seconds a day to read or listen to a piece of Torah that really speaks to you. There are so many books to choose from. Everything is so accessible nowadays. The important thing is consistency, so don’t take on more than you can realistically do. Tie it to a part of your daily routine (brushing your teeth, putting on your pajamas). Set an alarm on your phone. Whatever it takes.

Habit #2: Manage Your Social Media

Write your own personal set of social media guidelines (how many hours, how many posts, not during family time…). We want social media to work for us, not vice versa. Where are my boundaries? How many platforms am I on? Who am I following? Social media shouldn’t just happen to you or take over your life without you even noticing. Do it with purpose and intention in a way that adds to your life, not detracts from it.

Habit #3: Recharge Through Connection

Look at your Shabbos (Sabbath) observance. Yes, I’m keeping it, but HOW am I keeping it? What am I doing today that REALLY makes it Shabbos? Is there special family time? Learning? A gratitude circle? Visiting a lonely person? Is our heart engaged in our observance or is it only on a superficial level? Tune in at 31:44 for a true story Leah tells over that really emphasizes this point!

Habit #4: Ask for Help

Find a mentor to really see you objectively and give feedback that you need to hear in a way that you can hear it. No one is ashamed to ask for help for doing our taxes or cooking a new recipe. This is far more important! Not one of us is perfect, and we all need help to be better. It doesn’t have to be a formal mentor relationship, just someone you trust and are comfortable with.

Habit #5: Know When to Quit

If you see something that you took on (in any area) is going in the wrong direction or is negatively affecting important things, it’s not just ok to quit, you have an obligation to quit. Failure is a part of life. Try something else. If you’re not sure if it’s time to let it go, talk to your mentor (see habit #4).

Try This at Home

Ask yourself if your social media is controlling you instead of you controlling it. What’s one thing you can do to manage it more effectively? (See habit #2 for ideas!)

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