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Do you feel cut off from your inner self, your inner strength, your inner truth? All of the above?

Last time, in part 1, Leah spoke with Rebbetzen Tamar Taback, who began to reveal the secrets to tapping into that inner power. Here’s a quick recap of part 1:

The essence of power is in embracing our WHOLE self and defining ourselves by our inner truth. We are going to go through how to tap into this power so we can live it from the inside out, in a way we never thought possible!

Superpower #1 is the power of influence, which we started discussing last time. To be a true influencer is to be able to create other influencers. It is the power to empower. How?

  1. From below
  • When you form yourself into a vessel to receive from your partner, he will be inspired to pour in more of what you desire.
    • Show appreciation for all that he does, no matter how small.
    • Clarify your desires to yourself and express them in a gracious way.
  1. Side by side
  • Face-to-face conversations with active listening.
    • Create a time and place and choose to connect regularly.
  1. From above
  • Prayer and vision
    • You set the goals for your family and pray that Hashem (G-d) help you realize this vision of helping your family be their best.

Leah adds: When we keep this vision in our minds, it will help us behave towards our family in a way that will inspire them to achieve the vision.

Superpower #2: Power of Emotional Brilliance

Emotions are more in the feminine domain and the intellect is more in the masculine domain. (We each have both, but one can be tapped into more strongly than the other.)

  1. Empathy
  • Take yourself out of your world and imagine what it’s really like to be the other person.
  1. Relationship-building
  • Take that empathy and use it to deepen your connection with your partner.
  1. Living your truth
  • Integrate your values into your life so that you are being true to what you believe.

Superpower #3: Power of Intuition

Connect to your inner voice, which is a Divine gift.

  1. Quiet your active mind
  • It’s only when your verbal mind is still that you can hear the voice beneath.
  1. Connect to Hashem — the Source of intuition
  • Tap into your spiritual side through prayer and Torah learning.
  1. Cultivate trust
  • The more you trust your inner voice, the more it will talk to you.

Leah adds: Balance your gut with logic — they should go hand in hand

Superpower #4: Power of Expression

Speak from your heart in your authentic voice. You do this by combining the 3 previous powers.

  1. Influence
  • By speaking from the heart in a way that reflects our values.
  1. Change reality
  • Your words have tremendous power when you allow empathy, truth, and appreciation to shine through your voice.
  1. Intuition
  • Convey the inner wisdom through speech, in a way it can be heard, by combining your powers.

Superpower #5: Power of Stamina

Staying power, endurance, resilience

  1. Push through the downs to get to the ups
  • Accept that mistakes and imperfections are part of the process of life.
  1. Believe in yourself
  • Have faith in G-d, yourself, and the process.
  • G-d left the light on when He created women, for we are the light of faith.
  1. Bring it home
  • We have the power to use that acceptance and faith to follow through and take things all the way to their potential.

All of these superpowers work together in harmony and can be integrated into our daily activities. You don’t need to take the time to work on your powers- each moment of your daily life is an opportunity to use them- so more power to ya!

Press the arrow on the bottom right to scroll up and watch the whole awesome show!

Try This at Home:

Accept a mistake or imperfection in your life as part of your journey to your potential.

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