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My Husband Doesn’t Do Enough For Me!


Are you annoyed because your husband doesn’t do enough for you? Watch this Marriage Minute to help you resolve this issue!


At That Very Moment When You Are Most Annoyed At Him, Do Something For Him!

How annoying is it when after dinner (which mind you, you slaved over!) you are busy cleaning up while your husband is doing nothing…or even worse, runs off to go on his phone or to check his emails!! How ungrateful could he be?! How frustrating for you! Well, here’s a game-changer — at that very moment when you are most annoyed at him, Do Something For Him!

Hello, are you serious Leah?! Yes! Here’s what this amazing tool achieves — doing something nice for your husband when you absolutely have zero interest, and even worse, you’re annoyed at him, trains your brain to stop thinking of what your husband should do for you, but what you should do for him. It shifts us from being a taker to being a giver.


We All Know That G-d Gives Us The Strength To Do Literally Everything We Do!


Think about this for a second — we all know that G-d gives us the strength to lift our hands, to smile, to frown, to do literally everything we do! We are given permission by G-d to take whatever actions we are taking. So here’s a question for you — A robber is about to burglarize someone’s home, getting ready to steal the diamond ring this woman got from her great grandmother. He’s in the house looking at jewelry and stuffing things into his pocket. At that very moment, G-D IS LETTING HIM BREATHE! G-D IS LETTING HIM HAVE THE USE OF HIS LEGS. G-D IS LETTING HIS ARMS WORK! Obviously this robber will have to give an accounting one day and pay a price for his thievery, however, at the time that he’s doing the action, G-d is allowing him the use of all his facilities.

But P.S. In the meanwhile while he’s taking and stealing and doing the wrong thing he’s doing exactly the opposite of what G-d wants from him! Still, G-d lets him live. G-d allows him to breathe, to walk, to run, to eat — G-d lets him do it all. It’s mind-boggling.


If We Give To Our Husband, It Turns Us Into Being More G-d Like

We are meant to emulate G-d in terms of His character traits in everything He does. In order to grow ourselves to be the best people we can be, to maximize our own potential, to be menches (good, kind people) we must take an example from G-d. If G-d can feed this guy, if He can let this guy breathe, then how much more so when our husband does something that annoys us! If in the heart of the moment we give to our husband, it turns us into being more G-d like — it turns us into givers rather than takers.

Truth is the more we are takers in our marriage, the more we demand from our husbands, the less love there will be in our marriages.

Try this at home — as your husband is leaving the kitchen, while you are annoyed at him for not helping out, offer to make him a cup of tea. It may be difficult the first few times, however, if you do it enough you will find that it gives you strength and you will feel better about yourself — you will feel strong, knowing that you are doing the right thing. As much as we can grow ourselves into bigger givers, especially when our husbands aren’t giving to us, the happier we will be!

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