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“You know Leah, I just don’t know what to do. I’m spending all of my time regretting what I did yesterday. I yelled at this kid. I got snappy with another child. We had tortillas and cheese, which isn’t exactly supper. And we’ve had that three nights in a row! We’re eating Cheerios for dinner. I feel like every day I’m a failure! At the end of the day, I hit the pillow and think “I’m a failure”.

How do we rebuild a sense of purpose and strength within ourselves? It starts with something very powerful, which we learned from Rabbi Wallerstein on the show called “Your Superpower”. Rabbi Wallerstein said, “When you wake up in the morning, know that by the mere fact that you woke up, that means God had a plan for you.” He needs you that day. It’s not an accident. G-d has to recreate you every day. If you’re alive, there’s a purpose, there’s a reason. G-d put you on the planet to do something.

So when you’re going through your day, and it just feels like a fail, it’s going downhill — you yelled at this one, and you didn’t treat that one well. When that happens, just remember, you’re here for a purpose. Try to focus on what can I do today that’s gonna make a difference for somebody, that’s going to help somebody, that’s going to help me. How can I take care of myself? How can I take care of somebody else? If you have one thing that when you lie down to bed you realize “I did that one thing”, you will feel better.

Make a list of a few things you can do better that day. “I usually scream 10 times at the kids during the day. Today, I’m only going to yell 9 times. One time I’m going to bite my tongue and not say anything”.

We’re feeling so overwhelmed right now. I get it. So am I. But instead of sitting there looking at the cup half empty, figure out what you can do that day to make the cup look half full. Realize if you are here on the planet today, it’s for a reason.

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