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Enough is enough! Will anything I do ever be good enough?

Join Leah with guest speaker Devorah Sisso for a deep and fun discussion of this phenomenon. By the end of this show, you’ll be giving yourself a well-deserved tap on the back for finally doing enough!


Points To Ponder:

  • We are on a constant roller coaster ride and have a constant judgemental dialogue with ourselves which usually consists of criticism.
  • Women tend to focus on what they’re not accomplishing, and with that guilt, they don’t feel good enough.
  • Three practical action steps to shift this thinking:
      1. Altering our inner dialogue.We need to recognize that our minds need discipline. Tell yourself “No sweetie, this negative self-talk is not allowed.” Train that inner dragon to stay away from the toxic thoughts. No one ever improves through criticism. Ever. How do we shift? Know that our thoughts affect our behaviour.  The thoughts before we fall asleep are the thoughts we’ll have in the morning. We need to tell ourselves: “I am enough!”
      2. Gratitude. Focusing on what we do have brings more shefa(flow of blessing). Science also shows that gratitude impacts our body with better health and longer lives. Aim to see the good and thank for it. Move away from negativity and criticism.
      3. Knowing that we can have limiting or empowering beliefs.Our reality is how we choose to think about it. Choose empowering beliefs- e.g I will try again, I can. Think good and it will be good. Realize that most of our negative beliefs are based on nothingness.
  • Write a list of what you accomplished and ask your husband to listen and merely say “Wow!”
  • Have a healthy and kind relationship with yourself. We are human beings, not human
  • Detoxing our bodies is also crucial- we need to look after our body physically with the right foods and we’ll be more energized for the spiritual work.
  • We need to let go of what doesn’t serve us well.


Try This At Home:

Think of one negative belief we often have and work on shifting it positively.

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