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We live in the most technologically advanced society, with a plethora of conveniences available to make our lives easier, yet we are so often feeling frazzled and stressed. We are constantly busy and “in touch”, running around with barely a few minutes to spare. Women especially have a lot on their plates, balancing their work and home life. As natural caregivers, we are expected to care for our children, our husbands, our community and everything else that comes our way.

We are so busy caring for others, who takes care of us? Learn the importance of incorporating self-care into your routine, and recharging our batteries. Learn about creating strong support systems consisting of close friends, as well as partaking in relaxing outlets and hobbies. Taking care of ourselves is the only way for us to properly care for others!

Homework for the week: Do something for yourself this week. Pick a hobby, whether it be small like silly putty, an adult coloring book, or play dough to the bigger stuff such has taking an exercise class, or going for a spa treatment.

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