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It’s time for another round of Leah’s popular game show, Worst Wife Ever, featuring improv comedians Taylor Loeb, Rachael Drummond, and Sigi Ravet, plus Aviva Weilgus pinch-hitting for Julie Mann. The ladies are competing for our trophy as the worst wife imaginable. This episode deals with what may be a familiar issue: I KEEP SHOUTING AT MY HUSBAND!

Here’s a taste of what went down, but be sure to watch the whole episode for all the hilarity, practical tips, and to see who won the trophy! Learning and laughter are the best combination!

Scenario #3

Your husband comes in and dumps all his stuff on the table, just as you’re getting dinner ready.  You calmly say, “I’m about to serve dinner, do you mind moving your stuff please?” You are so proud for not yelling. He answers: “Please don’t nag me every time I walk in the door” and leaves his stuff on the table. What do you do?

Rachael: Hey kids! We’re doing something really fun for dinner tonight! We’re eating in Daddy’s study! So go set up your food on his desk and the messiest one gets to sit in his favorite recliner chair!

Taylor: I’d grab hold of the tablecloth and say, “Honey, guess what I learned on YouTube today- a magic trick!” And I’d show it to him…

Sigi: I’d teach my kids a nagging game and follow him around the house till he learns what nagging really means

Aviva: I’d start a dance party with my kids with the most annoying songs chanting “Mommy’s not a nag!”

Some of Leah’s Tips to Stop the Shouting:

  • You can control your screaming (Proof: Have you ever screamed at your boss?)
  • Shouting at someone is the worst form of bullying. Do you want to be that person?
  • Start a 0-tolerance policy for yelling in your house- make it a family project!
  • Remember that anger comes from feeling hurt. Look for what caused the hurt under the anger.
  • ALWAYS apologize if you lose it.
  • Yelling is short-term effective, but long-term damaging.
  • No one feels safe around a yeller
  • If you catch yourself starting to yell, stop midsentence and change it into something else.

Watch to see who wins worst wife, laugh your head off, and get the tools you need to be the best wife!

Try This at Home:

Sit down with your husband at a quiet, calm time and ask for his help with ideas for instituting a no-yelling policy in your house. Be as practical as possible!

Press the arrow on the bottom right to scroll up to watch the show!

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