Take this Quick Marriage Quiz:
You know your husband isn’t listening to you because
1) he’s distracted checking his cellphone & emails
2) you tell him things & he forgets
3) you tell him things & he ignores them
4) his actions don’t prove he listened
5) He doesn’t remember the details you told him
6) you ask him to do things, which don’t get done
7) When you share emotionally troubling things with him, he offers a plan which doesn’t address your pain
8) you tell him crucial info (such as a principal calling about our child), and he doesn’t respond “correctly”
9) you mention a family member’s bris or other occasion, he’s surprised as if he wasn’t told anything about it, even though you told him.
10) all of the above
If you relate to any, or as most woman to all of this, then this show is for you! Get ready to learn how to make your marriage HOT!! 😜
Homework for the week: Carefully plan a conversation about something important with your husband while using the H-O-T tools we just learned.