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In this episode, Leah tackles the next section of Marriage Secrets, pgs. 21-24, which continues to explore some of her journey and the struggles she faced in making marriage her mission.

Tune in for the first 6 minutes or so to hear it in her own words, beginning at timecode 00:13!


Leah’s Points to Ponder:

  • Withholding power and control from your spouse prevents him from being the powerhouse man you want him to be!
  • Since G-d created us, He knows what will create harmony in our home while still making us feel validated, powerful, and happy — it’s all in the mesorah (tradition)!


Viewer Questions:

Sara: There are many successful female CEOs who are failing in the home. What’s one thing they can start doing today to start turning that around?

Leah: Success in the workplace is something to be proud of. But you need to always remember that one of the main reasons you are here on this planet is to create shalom (peace). Peace in the home must always be your top priority. If you work on having that mindset, it is a real game-changer.


Sarah: In my childhood home, my mother was very powerful and really controlled the house, and this translated into my own marriage. How can I change that dynamic when that is the model I grew up with?

Leah: You are amazing for recognizing this issue! Realize that this challenge was given to you by G-d Himself to help you maximize your potential. Tools to help:

  1. Seek influence, not control
  2. Zip your lip
  3. Ask yourself, “Is this worth it?”
  4. Get a mentor
  5. Journal to find your control triggers

For a true story about the power of letting go, tune in at 18:35!


Rebecca: If your husband has a high-pressure job, how do you share household responsibilities so you don’t feel it’s all on you?

Leah: Remember that you are not seeking equality, you are seeking shalom. So get a housekeeper. Rework your budget, prioritize your finances, sell some jewelry, do what you need to do.


Naomi: How do you maintain peace in the home when facing financial insecurity?

Leah: One of the biggest issues! Here is a spiritual truism: Your home’s finances are determined by how much a wife receives from her husband. So if she is battling him all day long, it’s going to shut down the flow of money in the home. The larger and more joyful a receiver you are, the more money will come in the home.

For more on this, check out the episode How to Make Your Husband Rich!


Try This at Home:

Make or buy your husband one of his favorite treats.

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