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How do you create balance in your life?

In this episode, Leah talks with Elana Silver (Sharsheret), Brany Rosen (ATime), and Shana Frydman (Shalom Task Force). These women run their households while also at the helm of nationwide non-profit organizations.

Leah: How did you find yourselves running such incredibly successful organizations?

Elana: Eighteen years ago, I began as a volunteer at Sharsheret. As a young mom with four children, it grew from there. We now have a staff of 33 across five locations.

Shana: As a social worker for more than 20 years, I found a position at a shelter and worked my way up.

Brany: More than 25 years ago, I felt completely alone during my infertility struggle. I promised myself that if I had a child, I would help others with their journey.

Leah: How do you make your husbands feel like a king, give time to your children and run your organizations? Especially during the Covid pandemic?

Elana: Boundaries and having dinner prepared in advance.

I block out two hours per day where I do not take calls. This enables me to be home to meet my kids off the school bus. I was working remotely prior to Covid so I have clear boundaries as to when I am available. Preparing an easy dinner the night before is super helpful. That way dinner is ready when my husband walks through the door and we can all eat together.

Shana: Outsourcing and structure.

I don’t always balance my life. It is a struggle. I’ve learned to get as much help as I can afford. I outsource what I can to make things simpler. What works in my house is having structure.

Although not always easy, I try to disengage from my phone for the first few hours that I am home. I want to be present.

Brany: I give my husband 10 minutes of complete attention when he comes home. That is self-care. I give to my marriage and then I can give to myself.

I recently spoke on the topic of: what is the meaning of charity begins at home? Charity begins with you. You are the home. You cannot give if you don’t do self-care. If your marriage is suffering, your children are suffering and the world is suffering.

Leah: If you are working at home and one of your children really need you and becomes upset, how do you balance that?

Elana: I tell my children in advance that I cannot be interrupted if I have an important meeting.

I make it clear that at a certain time I can no longer be interrupted. If I express what I need from my children, it helps.

It doesn’t always work. Sometimes there is a child on my lap during a meeting.

Brany: Validate your child.

Leah: What if your children need you and this causes you to be unavailable to your husband? Adults can take care of themselves more easily than a child. How do you balance that?

Elana: I make time to sit with my husband. My kids are happy about that. They say: “Oh, mommy and daddy are talking.”

I try not to have personal phone calls with my friends when my husband is around.
I find other times to talk to my friends. We make a point of spending time together.
During the summer we eat outside. It feels like we are actually out.

Brany: Be aware. Notice if you are putting your children before your husband.

Each child is different. Each husband is different.

Some husbands come home early, others late. We all need to tweak our marriages. Find the things that work for you.

Leah: What one piece of advice would you give the audience on how to manage their lives better?

Elana: Don’t feel guilty.
Don’t second-guess yourself so much. You are doing amazing things. Receive compliments.

Shana: Forgive yourself if you are not good at something. Embrace yourself.

Brany: Stop comparing yourself to others.

We all have different lives and different strengths. We can be very self-critical. Talk to yourself like you talk to your friends. Learn to be compassionate with yourself. Then you can nurture yourself and make an impact in different ways.

Leah: Thank you to all of you for being here on the Ladies Talk Show. You are all making such great contributions to the world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We can’t wait for you to share what you think the best piece of advice from this show has been. 
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