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We All Have Stuff We Carry Around – Do You Own Your Baggage?

Do you own your baggage? Do you take responsibility for your actions telling yourself that the experiences you had as a child, which cause you to act in a certain way, you will protect your loved ones from? Or do you simply take out all your frustrations and past baggage on those around you?

Our Stuff Is There To Make Us Stronger

We all carry around our own histories – Leah once asked a class of women how many of them had a dysfunctional childhood. Almost every hand went up. We all have stuff we carry around and that stuff is there to make us stronger, to make us who we are. It’s very powerful. But there’s a big difference between owning it, by knowing how it makes us react to people, and not owning it.
So for example, if you grew up never trusting anybody and your husband does something that hurts you, you can either get upset and not trust him, or you can acknowledge that it’s your past experience that is shaping your current view.
There is a profound saying: You expected me to disappoint you, and so you made sure that I did!

If You Felt Abandoned, You Might Expect Your Husband To Abandon You

Let’s take another example: you grew up in an environment where your father abandoned your mother, or someone close to you died and you felt abandoned. Now you carry around this feeling that somebody is always going to leave you, so you cling to your husband, to your children, to close friends. Meanwhile, your husband is a normal healthy man who is not about to abandon you, yet you expect him to abandon you so no matter what he does, you always think he’s never there for me.
How does someone go about fixing this? Watch this Marriage Minute to find out!


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