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Our guest, Bracha Goetz, is the author of 38 children’s books and inspires people of all ages to shine. Additionally, she wrote a memoir about overcoming food addictions joyfully and spiritually called, “Searching for G-d in the Garbage.”

Question: Please share with us the formula that helped you be successful to conquer your history of overeating.

Bracha Goetz: For years, I was fluctuating between dieting and binge eating. One day I would binge and the next day I would eat only carrots. My eating was an addiction and it was not related to hunger. My addiction to food used so much of my mental energy. I suffered tremendously, and surprisingly, no one would have known, since I seemed to function well on the outside. I wrote a book called, “Searching for G-d in the Garbage.” The book was a confirmation of my journals which I kept throughout my journey. I shared how I healed and it was like therapy for me. By nourishing my starving soul, I got back my physical life.
Question: You talked about the 5 Levels of Pleasure by Rav Noach Weinberg zt’l of Aish HaTorah. Can you tell us about that to give us insights into our own souls?
Bracha Goetz: Years ago, when I arrived in the Old City of Jerusalem, I saw an advertisement which made a big impact on me. It was a picture of lox and bagels with the caption, “Is this the culmination of our 3,000 year history?”  Unbeknownst to me, I had been searching for soul. I had physical nourishment, but my soul was craving.
Question: Some people have full spiritual lives and still experience this issue. What are your thoughts?
Bracha Goetz: It seems there’s a certain lasting pleasure which is missing for some people. Mitzvahs are obligations and actions which we do and which connects us with G-d and to each other. We need to have proper intention and put ourselves into it. Back to my history, I was becoming a psychiatrist and I didn’t understand the meaning of life. I was between my 1st and 2nd year of Medical School when I visited Israel. An old childhood friend took me to classes about Judaism. I didn’t understand half of the information since it was in Hebrew. However, I felt so happy, as it was the perfect puzzle piece which fit my soul. Rav Noach Weinberg zt’l, of Aish HaTorah was a genius, as he was able to take anyone off the street and explain the Torah’s relevance to them. Rav Noach taught that the purpose of life is to experience the greatest pleasure. This information is actually found in The Path of the Just, by Moshe Chaim Luzatto. 
The 5 levels of Pleasures: 
The 5th level of pleasure is physical pleasure, which is the lowest of all pleasures. Under that category is food.
G-d could have given us a pill for our nourishment, but instead, He gave us the gift of aromas, taste, colors, etc. When fruit is ready to eat, it becomes the brightest color and tastes perfect. Everything in nature is designed for our pleasure; it’s a delightful experience. Why do we overeat? Because it’s a pleasure! If one overeats due to pleasure seeking, ask yourself if it’s for the body or for the soul. If you substitute the pleasure of eating with a different pleasure, such as listening to music, you might not feel like eating.  It takes about 400 times to create a new habit. However, if you’re trying to add more joy to your life, it may only take about 10 repetitions before you are able to change. Add joy to your life and you’ll be surprised to see what happens! Another pleasure idea to substitute for eating is to feel sunshine; even if you’re inside, you can open a window and then you won’t have the urge to finish the bag of potato chips. Eating gives us temporary pleasure. Another natural physical pleasure is dancing, which uplifts the soul. A person will not fill emptiness from overeating; instead they will feel more empty.
Question: How does someone in the moment get that perspective?
Bracha Goetz: After doing it 10 times, it will become habitual, and it will come into your mind automatically. People need spiritual nourishment, but may need other therapeutic intervention if they have blockages. People can have layers of garbage on their soul. Even though they may nourish their soul, people could have had traumatic childhoods, People overeat because they’re afraid they won’t have enough of other pleasures or perhaps there’s a scarcity of other pleasures in their life.
The 4th level of pleasure is love. Rav Noach defined love as the emotional pleasure we get by focusing on the virtues of another; this is especially important in marriage. Each level of pleasure is empowering. When you overeat, you have the power to add another level of pleasure into your life. If you can focus on gratitude, you’ll be neurologically in a different place. Hunger is not a genuine pleasure or people would choose the apple instead of the chocolate.
The 3rd level of pleasure is meaning, which is on the soul level. When you’re doing something good and positive in this world, it brings lasting and deep pleasure. Taking care of your husband can be very meaningful.
The 2nd level of pleasure is creativity. When in the zone of being creative, you won’t think about eating or sleeping. All the pleasure levels do not mean there’s no challenge. Rav Noach would say that the opposite of pleasure is not pain, it’s comfort. Addictions bring us temporary comfort and keep us from achieving the highest levels of pleasure.
The 1st level of pleasure, which is the highest level, is having a relationship with G-d. We need to peel away all the layers and raise ourselves higher to reach that kind of a relationship in everything we do. Shabbos and prayer give us glimpses into that pleasure.
Question: What if your husband loves going out to eat with you? He always wants to try new restaurants, but that is sabotaging the wife’s weight loss journey.
Bracha Goetz: This is a communication issue. Explain to your husband that you know he doesn’t like to waste money, so you’d like to order less. Tell your husband you will only be eating small portions because you want to be healthy and fit.
Question: You’re teaching how to shift pleasure to avoid overeating. Are you against diets?
Bracha Goetz: I don’t know about all the diets. This perspective will affect your whole life. Anytime you’re stuck, alienated or alone, go up the pleasure ladder and feel gratitude. Gratitude changes a person’s thinking. If a person feels full and satisfied, they won’t overeat. Unfortunately, people focus on their lackings. Raise your consciousness and ask yourself if you’re deeply enjoying the potato chips you’re eating. To substitute a pleasure, you don’t even have to turn on the music, just think about turning it on. Even while you do mundane things, you can fill your life with pleasure. If you enjoy eating an apple, try taking out time to really appreciate that apple!
Homework: Next time you’re eating something enjoyable, be mindful and focus on savoring it as much as possible. Feel that it’s a real gift to you from The Almighty.
Visit this link for Bracha Goetz’s Amazon Author Page with 39 books (one memoir for adults and 38 spiritual children’s books):

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