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What?! It’s not always my husband’s fault?! But he’s the one who never makes me truly happy!

Careful, this may come as a shock…you might just be responsible!

In this episode, Leah shares the good news. If you are even slightly responsible, you can be the one to bring the harmony back into your marriage! Make sure you’re sitting down and listen how.


Leah’s Points To Ponder:


  • 8 Things You Might Be Doing To Bring Out The Worst In Your Husband
  1. Blaming Your Husband

It’s so tempting to blame everything on your husband. Even if he’s not blameless, the more

You blame him, the more distance comes between you both. Ask yourself if you’re making

him the scapegoat and whenever you can, try to let things fly.

  1. Moodiness

Are you also a typical female who gets moody without owning it? Us ladies tend to get gloomy, rationally or (more likely) irrationally, and then pin the blame on our husband and push him away. The remedy is merely to recognize that you’re in a mood, to connect to your husband by admitting to it, and lastly to communicate your needs to him.

  1. Not Saying Thank You Properly

So many of us don’t give our husbands the satisfaction of making us happy! Our “thank you” comes with a “but” or a complaint attached…this prevents our husband from feeling successful! Receive his attempts with full joy and a hearty, unadulterated “thank you”, and see the blessing flow!

  1. Not Prioritizing

Life is frenzied, you’re doing so much, so often you view your husband’s requests as cumbersome instead of important, so you push him away. Recognize that you’re doing an overwhelming amount yet prioritize your husband and put his needs before your other tasks, to be there completely and wholeheartedly for him.

  1. Criticizing

I am right, he is wrong…I’ll jolly well point it out! In other words, you are superior and he is dumb…do you want to be married to someone dumb? He’ll think badly of himself and you’ll think badly of him…he’ll be discouraged from even trying. Your perfectionism makes him miserable and causes a huge rift. Bite your tongue and allow your husband to be human. (Psst you’re also human!)

  1. Putting Him Down

If he messed up, what’s so wrong with putting him down in front of others? Recognize the steep price of doing this which is embarrassing him and sacrificing closeness with your husband.

  1. Nagging

If I nag him then he might actually do it, right? Wrong! You’re his helper, not his nagger. Make yourself available to help him, and sweetly ask him how you can help, but please, whatever you do- do not be that wife who nags!

  1. Bearing a Grudge

I can forgive, but I can’t forget! Bearing a grudge festers and causes lack of closeness. Reminding him of his past misdeeds will not motivate him to make you happy now.


Try This At Home:

Once this week, don’t point out a mistake that your husband made.

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