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We are all looking to bring the Geula (redemption), and in this special episode, Leah has gathered an all-star roster to help us get there!

Leah recommends to be actively listening throughout to find ONE small thing that YOU can apply in YOUR life to start making a change today!


For an inspiring message from HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit”a, one of the leading rabbis of our generation, tune in at time code 3:23!


Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Author, Lecturer, Mohel

Leah: What is your insight into what might be blocking the Geula?

R’ Krohn: In Rav Schwab on Prayer -a book I highly recommend- under the section of Shemoneh Esrei (Silent Devotion,) he points out that we refer to Mashiach as the seedling or blossoming of David. Just like when you plant a seed it doesn’t blossom overnight, so too the redemption is a long, slow process. A seed needs to be watered and nurtured. What is the water for growing the seedling of Mashiach? It is our tears-when we cry for him to come. But is anyone actually crying for him? When we say those words, we need to think about them and try to sincerely feel them. For another insight into this prayer and some practical advice, tune in at time code 8:28!

Leah: How can a person shift their mindset and what actions can they do?

R’ Krohn: The second Bais HaMikdash (Temple) was destroyed because of baseless hatred between Jews. Any time you do an act of kindness for a fellow Jew, have in mind that it is for the sake of loving my neighbor, which will help to bring the Geula. Having hakaras hatov (gratitude) to Hashem (G-d) for everything that He does for you also has the power to bring Mashiach. We are often so busy thinking about what we don’t have. Tune in at time code 15:12 for an inspiring practical suggestion of how to balance this!

Leah: What is one final take-away for our listeners that we can focus on even when our lives are crazy and frazzled?

R’ Krohn: Two words: SLOW DOWN. We are running so fast that we -myself included- don’t appreciate what we have! But we can’t accomplish everything, and we need to appreciate our lives. If you’re eating dinner with your family, turn off your cell phone!

Click here to purchase R’ Krohn’s latest book, The Grandeur of the Maggid!

Jamie Geller, Cookbook Author and Chef

Leah: What is your insight into what might be blocking the Geula?

Jamie: I know I’m stealing your answer, Leah, but I think the most important thing is shalom bayis (peace in the home). We can’t expect world peace and peace for the Jewish People if we can’t keep it in our homes. We can extend that to a national level by focusing on achdus (unity), coexisting in a respectful, loving manner. Being a rodef shalom (one who seeks peace) in general plays into it, but at the heart of it is shalom bayis.

Leah: And I didn’t even feed you that line! What do you think is blocking this from happening?

Jamie: I think gaavah (pride) is a big factor and damages relationships; we want to prove our point and “win.” Once we get out of our own way and let go of past hurt and our need to be right, we can pursue peace. I recently made amends with someone I was estranged from and it was only by deciding to let go of years of anger and pain and move on.

Rabbi Michael Rothschild Founder of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

Leah: What do you think might be blocking the Geula?

R’ Rothschild: In the words of the Chofetz Chaim: if we don’t fix loshon hara (negative speech) we can’t bring the Geula. Each time you don’t speak loshon hara it’s like building a brick in the Beis Hamikdosh (Jewish temple). This starts with seeing the good in people. Listen in at 40:20 for a true story about how embracing shmiras halashon (guarding speech) can help you lead a happier life.

Leah: What mindset can bring the Geula?

R’ Rothschild: Humility can help you overlook other’s mistakes and focus on their goodness. Humility can be strengthened by thinking about Hashem’s greatness compared to our own human frailty.

Leah: What actions can bring the Geula?

R’ Rothschild: Being b’achdus (united) and b’shalom (in peace) by forgiving people and asking for forgiveness.

Charlene Aminoff Gali’s Couture CEO and Public Speaker

Leah: What do you think might be blocking the Geula?

Charlene: We always learn that sinas chinam (basless hatred) destroyed the Bais Hamikdosh (Jewish Temple) so we should flood the world with ahavas chinam (baseless love) to rebuild it. Understanding that everyone is a puppet of Hashem’s will, so instead of hating someone, you realize that they are merely carrying out the will of Hashem. Listen in at 56:24 to hear a powerful way to combat anger which leads to this hatred.

Leah: What mindset can bring the Geula?

Charlene: In this world, we don’t have all the answers; but in the world to come we won’t have any questions. This will enhance your emunah (faith) and bitachon (trust) and rather than trying to understand Hashem, you should work on trusting Hashem.

Leah: What actions can bring the Geula?

Charlene: Chesed (kindness) on a daily basis and being mevater (giving in)- tune in at time code 1:03:00 for practical tips on ensuring our actions today will earn us another tomorrow.


Message from Leah

We’re learning so much about increasing peace to bring the Geula, maybe it starts in our own homes with our own shalom bayis (marital harmony). Most women will know our mesorah (tradition) for shabbos (sabbath) and kashrus (dietary laws) and other halachos (laws), but when it comes to shalom bayis so many women are stumped. Who actually knows the shalom bayis mesorah?! Yet, our Torah sources tell us that infinite brochos (blessings) come into our home when we have shalom bayis. Every woman needs to make it her priority to learn about her mesorah in this area.

Tune in at 01:14:19 to hear a message from Rebbetzin Kolodetzky, daughter of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a, which may sound like gashmius (superficial) tips but are in fact tips filled with ruchnius (holiness).

Rabbi Reuven Epstein  CEO Marriage Project

Leah: What might be blocking the Geula?

R’ Epstein: The toxic attitude of feeling that you, or a situation, is hopeless is the antithesis to bringing Geula. Listen in at 01:16:48 to hear the fascinating Torah source for this. You have to believe in your own strengths and remove the mindset of “I can’t.”

Leah: What actions can we do to bring the Geula?

R’ Epstein: Instead of saying “I have to,” say “I want to.” For example, instead of I have to do an act of kindness, it becomes I want to. This increases potency and adds much more meaning and love to the action. Another thing is when you have a struggle, realize that growth and challenges are not the end but the beginning of the journey. Target a struggle and for the next 40 days, internalize that you want to do better, work on it and reward yourself. Consistency is the catalyst for growth.

Lori Palatnik Author, Mentor and Momentum CEO

Leah: What is your insight into what is blocking the Geula?

Lori: It’s pretty clear from Tisha b’Av; the Bais Hamikdosh (Jewish Temple) was destroyed because of sinas chinam (senseless hatred.) Rav Noach Weinberg defines this as hating someone because their mistakes are different to yours. The way to rectify this is through purposeful love. You can love with intent- to always find something to love about someone. Let’s look at the following three definitions of love. Rav Noach Weinberg classifies it as the emotion you feel when you choose to focus on the virtues of a person Rav Noach Orlowek says that love is what’s important to you is important to me and using their love language to demonstrate this. Rav Dessler asks: does loving lead to giving or does giving lead to loving? The more you give to someone, the more you grow to love them; it’s in the very make up of the world to give and give…then the love comes. We don’t have to be the same to love, we can have unity without uniformity. Look for people’s needs so you can fulfill them.

Leah: How can a person shift their mindset and what actions can they do?

Lori: Accept that this is possible. Just like Hashem shut down the world overnight with one tiny germ, one tiny positive action can change the world. If you felt Hashem’s pain, you would do something about it.

Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi Public Speaker

Leah: What is your insight into what is blocking the Geula?

R’ Mizrachi: What blocks the Geula is the very thought that the Geula is blocked! It is not! It is coming and rising now; it’s a process. A beautiful story is told at 01:55:37 which displays seeing the ever-present goodness in any situation. Sorrow is the beginning of a young stage of a big Geula. Buy a new dress- the Geula is here!

Leah: What mindset can we have to internalize this?

R’ Mizrachi: You must know that Geula is the middle of the story, sandwiched between the beginning and end. Geula is caring for others in the middle of the way. You give your hand and support others in their troubles. Any chesed (kindness) you do can be done with the right kavana (intention) by supporting others in the midst of their struggles.

Leah: What steps can we take to bring the Geula?

R’ Mizrachi: Have kavana (intention) in the tefilla (prayer) we say every day in Shemona Esrei (the standing prayer). If we yearn for it, it will come. It is the only tefilla which requires our hope in order to bring it. It depends on us.

Leah: What can we do in our marriages to bring the Geula?

R’ Mizrachi: Shalom bayis is the most important starting point. Look at the Aishes Chayil (Woman of Valor) song- it begins with your husband, in between is about children, work and chesed, and it ends with your husband. Ultimately, this is what you’re left with. Prioritize him. The mouth multiplies love and emotion- use it in excess. Compliment at least twice a day; our words build the connection.


Leah: Take one action and incorporate it into your life: Insight + Action = Growth.


Whatever frenzy you’re in, know that by learning it and applying it, the Shechinah will pour into your home and fill it with blessing- don’t take my word for it, it is all sourced in the book, but also, TRY THIS AT HOME!!

The 4 lies of the world we live in: LIES

  1. Later (when you get what you want, when your husband does his job, when your kids are older) you will be happy. In the moment is exactly where you supposed to be and so you can make each moment good regardless of what is going on.
  2. Images- I’ll be happy when my life looks like xyz- false expectations of what our life and husband should look like- fantasies
  3. Equality (may want to throw tomatoes)- equality in the workplace is worth fighting for. But it’s the wrong measure for the home. Trying to make things equal will destroy your peace.
  4. Stuff- I’ll be happy when I get what I want (materially, how you’re treated). If hubby and wife are just trying to get, it will lead to a get. We ignore all we have.

The 5 things to know: GEULA

  1. Grateful- this will lead to your husband cherishing you- Moshe Cordevero hubby source of all blessing- giver/receiver- challah analogy- everything you own on any level is from shamayim through your husband. You can’t access it without him. Anything you give him he already owns. It’s a beautiful chesed for him, but it’s only because of him. Receivers are seen as weak in our society but this is false. It is only thru you receiving what he is giving that the blessing can come into the home. She needs to accept in order to receive and then the blessings can overflow. The bigger vessel you are, the more blessing you can get. G-d has a warehouse full of blessings He is waiting to bestow on you. Thanking your husband is what grows your vessel so thank him for every teeny thing and you will see the benefits grow.
  2. Empowering- we are told that having control is powerful and will make us happy. But women really are much happier having connection than control. When you grab his control, you lose his closeness, connection, and being cherished. You can influence him, but the ultimate decision should be his. This is seems so hard! Story of women with neck. What do you think we should do dear? And letting go even if you don’t like it. The connection to him and the serenity you will feel will make it all worthwhile- R’ Kolodetsky in name of father R’ Kanievsky, “If you are mevater, you will never lose” You may not see the bracha in every situation (supposed to have accident R”L but didn’t) but you will have it
  3. Understanding- Fill notebook of all wants but can’t clarify deepest needs. What’s the problem? Your hubby wants most in the world to make you happy (even if it doesn’t seem that way). If we treat him like a vending machine and constantly throw wants at him, he will never be able to satisfy you. So often he will just give up. He can’t meet your needs in a satisfying way if you don’t even realize what they are. Takes a possibly annoying hour but will change your life. Right down all lists big and small. Cross out whatever you can. Whatever is left put one against another one to narrow them down further until you are left with a top 3-5 in order of importance. Story about dishes
  4. Loyalty (which goes hand in hand with Respect)- make your hubby feel safe with you. Disloyal: putting him down in front of others or not sticking up for him when someone else puts him down. Nothing will make a hubby want to cherish you more than this. Praise hubby to kids constantly. Defend him. Never raise your voice to him. Make him feel like most impt person in the room- make him top priority (even if he doesn’t know about it) TRY IT!
  5. Attentive- the more you listen to your husband, the closer he will feel to you. If he doesn’t talk, become an interviewer. Keep a list of questions to ask him. Pace it. This may lead to an outflow of talk that may be a bit much for you. But the closeness it will bring will make it worthwhile. When communicating on your end, remember H.O.T. Put problem in his lap. What do you think we should do?

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